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F33 TRIANGULAR TRUSS - Circular Arcs ​/​ Constructors

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Gear photo 1/1Global Truss

Manufacturer Description

F33 TRIANGULAR TRUSS 11 7/16" DIAMETER Circular Arcs / Constructors.
TR-C1.5-180 - 4.92ft (1.5m) CIRCLE / 2 x 180 DEGREE ARCS
TR-C10-30 - 32.80ft (10m) CIRCLE / 12 X 30 DEGREE ARCS
TR-C2-180 - 6.56ft (2.0m) CIRCLE / 2 x 180 DEGREE ARCS
TR-C2-90 - 6.56ft (2.0m) CIRCLE / 4 x 90 DEG...


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